
The DVCommand treater and MPC applications control, monitor, and display the entire frac process—including water, proppant, chemicals, flow rate, pressure, and more—all from a centralized location in the data van.

Whether you are building your own data vans or purchasing from one of our OEM partners, we can help ensure an optimal DVCommand configuration that provides centralized control of all FracCommand equipment in the frac spread while retaining the option of local equipment control.

The DVCommand offer powerful data acquisition and monitoring of equipment information, pressures, rates and more—including thousands of channels of data.

DVCommand features include:


    • Comprehensive and flexible data displays and csv job data logging


    • · Each unit logs its own data, while DVCommand provides the ability to log this data redundantly in the data van


    • · Data viewing capability provides access to the raw data logged during the frac job


    • · Graphing – for intuitive interface captures annotations and screenshots of channel data


    • · Centralized monitoring, alarming, and real-time reporting


    • · Data available via AMI analytics enables remote monitoring of equipment and maintenance statuses


    • · Diagnostics view to engine and transmission J1939 diagnostics and events


    • · Easy access to modify the configuration of any unit, while each unit maintains its own configuration data


    • · Supports multiple monitors for displays with easy setup


    · Dedicated customer service through installation, commissioning, training, and field support


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