NControl™ MPD Platform

NControl™ MPD Platform

MPD control systems for ultimate command of your well.


Whether you are implementing MPD for short-term projects onshore or fully integrating MPD in the latest generation drillship, our NControl™ MPD platform offers the flexibility you need to manage your MPD system integration into drilling rigs effectively. Focused on ongoing enhancement, a dedicated control system engineering team works with you to design and commission the proper configuration to fit your specific requirements.

The NControl™ MPD platform fully integrates monitoring and live data analytics with MPD system control and rig automation. This platform serves as a communication hub between subsea and surface MPD equipment, the rig’s drilling control system, and third-party equipment and software. NControl™ interfaces with other AFGlobal and third-party MPD equipment to safely and effectively operate in applied surface back pressure (ASBP), pressure mud cap drilling (PMCD), riser gas handling (RGH), and conventional drilling modes.

AutoACD Integration

The best way to avoid obsolescence is to provide continual technology enhancements. Unfortunately, most systems quickly become outdated and can be expensive to upgrade.

Our AutoACD software package program quickly integrates into our NControl™ MPD platform for safer, more efficient drilling. AutoACD works with all existing active control devices (ACD) and operates on a feedback loop, constantly monitoring and adjusting for faster, better decisions on the well. AutoACD is the latest evolution in ACD technology and creates a less complicated system requiring less operator intervention.

When you need easily accessible information outside basic traditional parameters—beyond setpoint control—the AutoACD system optimizes data in the same way ‘autocorrect’ simplifies word processing. This system is predictive in nature, commands and minimizes downtime, reduces the workload on your crew, and helps take the burden of safety off your shoulders.

See the difference for yourself.

Fill out the form to upgrade your next project.

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